Neuroblastoma UK 2018 Research Grant Round opens

Neuroblastoma UK invites applications for UK or Republic of Ireland (ROI) led research that will benefit children with neuroblastoma.

Applications must be received before 1st November 2018, with awards expected before end March 2019.

A wide range of basic and applied research applications will be considered for funding, from studies to understand the origin and development of neuroblastomas to research that aims to develop new therapeutic approaches, improve existing treatments or explore treatment synergies. Research that aims to establish a “proof of principle” for further research will also be considered. A list of recent grants awarded can be found on our website .

The lead applicant must be based in a UK or ROI laboratory, though we encourage international co-applicants and collaborators who bring expertise not available in the UK or ROI.

Applications may contain requests for funding some work outside the UK or ROI, provided all costs are quoted in sterling at a fixed rate.

The 2018 Application Form and Guidance Notes are available on the grants page of our website, along with Neuroblastoma UK’s Terms and Conditions for grant awards to which successful applicants will be expected to adhere.


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