A parent's guide to neuroblastoma


Next review: October 2023

Information and support for when your child is diagnosed with a type of cancer called neuroblastoma. Produced in partnership with Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG).

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This guide has been written with the help of experts and parents whose children have had neuroblastoma. It aims to help parents and carers following their child’s diagnosis and gives specific information about neuroblastoma, its treatment and possible side effects. 

If your child has only just been diagnosed, there may be information in this booklet that has not yet been discussed with you by the medical team looking after your child. This guide provides a reference to the information you have already been given, or will be given in the future, and will act as a helpful reminder for any discussions you have with your child’s treatment team.

This guide is a general overview of neuroblastoma. It is important to remember that every child is an individual and your child’s specific diagnosis must always be discussed with the treatment team caring for them.

We hope it helps answer your questions so that you understand more about neuroblastoma and its treatment.

This version has been reviewed and edited by Dr Ben Fulton (Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Glasgow), Prof Deborah Tweddle (Professor of Paediatric Oncology, Newcastle) and Dr Kate Wheeler (Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Oxford), as CCLG expert members and Neuroblastoma UK Medical Trustees, with the CCLG Neuroblastoma Special Interest Group on behalf of Neuroblastoma UK and the CCLG Publications Committee, comprising multiprofessional experts in the field of children’s cancer. Originally written by Jean Simons and published by the Neuroblastoma Society.