Thank you joining our Great Give It Up

Giving up sweet treats for the Great Give It Up

Giving up sweet treats for the Great Give It Up

When we launched our Great Give It Up challenge, we never imagined it would be made twice as hard by coronavirus and a nationwide lockdown!

Pledges to give up that chocolate, cake or biscuit stash hiding in the kitchen cupboard - which was just about possible to resist whilst working from the office - suddenly became a lot harder when we all had to start working from home.

Thank you

Yet, despite these increased challenges, we were overwhelmed by the dedication of our Great Give It Up supporters.

You’ve done us proud and we can’t thank you enough.

I gave up crisps which may sound a little pathetic, but I LOVE crisps! Our son James is currently having treatment for neuroblastoma. He just celebrated his 1st birthday and instead of presents, we requested donations to Neuroblastoma UK.
— Miriam

We want to say a particularly big thank you Keira Clayton for sharing her positive story. Keira’s son Oscar was diagnosed with neuroblastoma when he was just 18 months old and is now fully recovered. Read their story in the Portsmouth News

Our sincere thanks to Keira and Mik who shared their personal stories to help us raise awareness of neuroblastoma and to encourage others to take part.

What did you give up?

The most popular vice to give up for March was chocolate - even our patron Alan Carr made his Great Give It Up pledge.

But there were lots of other fantastic ideas too from takeaway coffees, sugar and meal deals to wine and even manicures! Thank you to everyone who took part.

Mik: I raised £100 by giving up chocolate!

Jack: I gave up public transport and started walking to work (now I'm working from home, I simply walk into the kitchen!) Keep up the great work Neuroblastoma UK and bring on April's Great Give It Up!

Miriam: I gave up crisps which may sound a little pathetic, but I LOVE crisps! Our son James is currently having treatment for neuroblastoma. He just celebrated his 1st birthday and instead of presents, we requested donations to Neuroblastoma UK.

Catherine: I gave up meal deals and buying chocolate

Faye: I’m sacrificed my wine intake in favour of this wonderful charity and donated my wine savings!

Join our Great Give It Up!

You can still join the Great Give It Up and raise much-needed funds, without leaving your home!

Join the Great Give It Up

Join the Great Give It Up

We don’t receive any government funding and rely on your generous donations to continue our fight against neuroblastoma.  

But the financial impact of the coronavirus may mean that we simply can’t afford to support new research.

We must ensure that research into kinder and more effective treatments for children with neuroblastoma continues beyond the pandemic. It is only with your support now that we can fund research in the future.

Donate your commute to work, the cost of your takeaway coffees or your gym membership! Whatever you choose, join the Great Give It Up and help save young lives.


Committed to our cause


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